cleaning a mattress with a vacuum

The Cleaning Of Your Mattress Should Not Be Forgotten and Here’s Why!

Have you ever thought about cleaning a mattress with a vacuum? Do you know what happens to your mattress if it is left unclean for a long time? It will attract dust mites and other allergens that can cause health problems.

This cleaning neglect can lead to the worsening of allergies and asthma – coming directly from where you lay your head at night. Let’s take a look at why cleaning your mattress should not be ignored. And, also why cleaning a mattress with a vacuum is actually a great solution to keeping it safe and fresh.

cleaning a mattress with a vacuum

Dirty Mattresses Attract Harmful Allergens and Other Microbes

When we think of dirty mattresses, we often think of things we can see. Things like stains, crumbs, and discoloration tell us that it’s time to deep clean or replace them. The real issues, however, happen with all of the things we can’t see. You may think your mattress is clean when in fact it is a breeding ground for harmful allergens, bacteria, and other microbes.

Dirty mattresses can cause problems like asthma and allergies, as well as skin irritations. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, “up to 33 percent of people who suffer from allergies say their symptoms are worse at night.” This is because the air quality in your bedroom is usually much poorer than in other rooms in your home.

Cleaning a Mattress With a Vacuum is Simpler Than You Think

Regular cleaning of your mattress can help reduce or eliminate these health risks altogether. A good, deep-cleaning water vacuum can help you purify your mattress and remove all of the allergens, dirt mites, dust mites, bacteria, and other contaminants.

The cleaning process with a water vacuum is simple too. They are designed to reach deep into every nook and cranny on your mattress so that nothing remains hidden. Additionally, they can be used for cleaning other soft surfaces. These can include couch cushions, as well as hard surfaces like tiles or wood floors.

cleaning a mattress with a vacuum

Save Yourself Hours of Scrubbing by Using a Sirena Water Vacuum

When you’re cleaning a mattress with a vacuum, you want to make sure you have the best product. And, of course, you want it to get the job done thoroughly, and fast. With the incredible deep-cleaning technology from the Sirena water vacuum, your mattress will be clean and ready to use in no time.

Using a Sirena water vacuum for cleaning your mattress is the easiest way to ensure you get a deeper clean. Explore this game-changing product today and order directly from the manufacturer for free shipping plus the coverage of our manufacturer’s warranty.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2058 reviews
Mélanie Laflamme (Relais-Gabriel, QC)

Sirena Vacuum Cleaner (Recertified)

Great vacuum

It's the best vacuum...I've ever owned!

Mary Beth Terry (Fayetteville, AR)
Sirena Vacuum

I really like the vacuum. I had a Rainbow for 32 years before the motor died. For the price it works great!

Ron McCormick (Pittsburgh, PA)

Used a Rainbow for 30 years. Can’t complain about it! Just wore out. Went to buy a new one, was told $3,000.00. Bought this brand will see if it makes it 30 years! I probably will not need it that long. Seams to clean as well as the rainbow did. Way better pricing!

Deborah Watkins (Hartsville, SC)
Love it

Best vacuum I have owned in a long time.

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