best vacuum for pet hair

Why Some Vacuums are Inefficient in Cleaning Pet Hair

The best vacuum for pet hair is one that can efficiently remove all dander and pet messes from surfaces and the air. Sadly for many pet owners and allergy sufferers, not all vacuums are created equal. The best vacuum for pet hair and pet messes is one that can handle both wet and dry clean-ups. This blog will tell you why the best vacuum for pet hair is a water vacuum cleaner that naturally removes hair, dirt, and dander.

Why Dry Vacuums Aren’t Best For Pets

Traditional vacuums do not use water filters to clean your surfaces. They use suction to pull dirt-filled air through a filter that traps pollutants. This can be an effective design for some homes. But, pet owners have to clean more frequently to keep pet hair and dander from building up. Also, the bags in traditional dry vacuums can hold onto unpleasant smells associated with pet messes. Since conventional vacuums only use a dry filter to capture dirt, some can escape and be recirculated into the air supply and back onto your surfaces. In addition to lower efficiency, you cannot clean up wet messes with a dry vacuum. That is, of course, because the water will damage the machine.

The Difference Between Water-Based Vacuums And Dry Vacuums

Water-powered vacuums are versatile for many reasons. They can be used to clean up both dry messes like pet hair and dirt, as well as wet messes from accidents. They are also effective on both surfaces and the air because water filters are 100% efficient thanks to the double-team of a backup HEPA filter on top of the water-powered basin that traps any rogue dirt. Since you are dumping the old water and using fresh water with each use, you’re starting with a cleaner device instead of storing and reusing old, dirty vacuum bags.

How To Find The Best Water Vacuum For Pet Owners

It’s important to shop around for the best quality brand before you order a water vacuum. Just like there is a huge difference in what you can expect from traditional and water vacuums, there is also a gap in the quality and features you will get from different brands. Know your price range and the main functions you will need as you shop. Certain brands are well-known and reviewed by pet owners. 

The best-reviewed vacuums on the market include every cleaning mode, attachment, and consumer protection that help you feel confident about your investment in cleaner surfaces and air in your home. Your guests, pets, and family will thank you for taking the time to purify their air, which will improve moods as well as overall physical and mental health for both allergy sufferers and pet lovers.  

Sirena Is The World’s Favorite Water Vacuum

Are you ready to discover the power of a water vacuum for yourself? Sirena is the best-reviewed water vacuum for pet owners around the world. Combining the power of a backup HEPA and a water filter that captures 100% of dirt, dust, and allergens while deodorizing the air naturally. Click here to shop for the world’s best water vacuum now and put your home’s health and hygiene first. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 2058 reviews
Mélanie Laflamme (Relais-Gabriel, QC)

Sirena Vacuum Cleaner (Recertified)

Great vacuum

It's the best vacuum...I've ever owned!

Mary Beth Terry (Fayetteville, AR)
Sirena Vacuum

I really like the vacuum. I had a Rainbow for 32 years before the motor died. For the price it works great!

Ron McCormick (Pittsburgh, PA)

Used a Rainbow for 30 years. Can’t complain about it! Just wore out. Went to buy a new one, was told $3,000.00. Bought this brand will see if it makes it 30 years! I probably will not need it that long. Seams to clean as well as the rainbow did. Way better pricing!

Deborah Watkins (Hartsville, SC)
Love it

Best vacuum I have owned in a long time.

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