The air in your home can be so much more impactful to your overall lung health than you may think. Our homes are much more than a place to relax or have fun. They’re where we feel safe, and where we take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Also, they are where we should all be conscious about keeping things clean and free of dirt and dust. Unclean air can greatly affect how you feel, particularly if you suffer from allergies, asthma, or any other respiratory issues. So, cleaning to help breathing problems is the key.
The cleaning products that we use every day have a big impact on the quality of the air in our homes. In this blog post, we’re going to talk about what cleaning products are best for those with respiratory issues and why cleaning with water filtration systems is an important step towards better, cleaner, healthier breathing.
How Cleaning Products Affect the Lungs
Respiratory illness is one of the most common ailments in America today. In fact, according to a study from 2015 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 44 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, while 20 million more experience chronic bronchitis every year. That’s an alarming statistic. And, it should give us pause when examining the air we breathe at home, school, or in the office. This is especially true in the post-pandemic era.
Many cleaning products contain chemicals that when inhaled can be harmful to your lungs. If you’re using harsh chemicals throughout your house to clean, it could make breathing difficult. Especially if someone suffers from respiratory issues like allergies or asthma. You may not even feel the short-term effects of harmful cleaning products on your lungs. But, over time they can create huge health risks. Water vacuum cleaners like the Sirena use only the gentle, natural cleaning power of water which causes zero irritation.
Clean Chemical-Free and Breathe Easier With Sirena
Cleaning to help breathing problems involves using natural products, with effective natural solutions. In addition to cleaning products that are natural or chemical-free, when cleaning your home you’ll want to look at how often you’re cleaning and whether you’re doing it effectively enough. For example, wiping down counters only once a week will leave germs behind. Cleaning floors one day then letting them get dirty again for days on end before cleaning them next time is not effective.
Get the cleanest, healthiest, and safest results by using a water vacuum to clean your surfaces. Water vacuums don’t rely on cleaning solutions, which means there are no residues left behind after cleaning. They’re also powerful enough to remove dust and dirt from hard and soft surfaces that can cause respiratory issues for some people. By using a water vacuum you’ll also be able to clean more often. That is because they don’t use harmful chemicals or sprays of any kind.
Water-Based Vacuum Cleaning for Optimal Lung Health
Thanks to Sirena’s water filtration technology, the power of effective, healthy water-based cleaning to help breathing problems is right at your fingertips. We offer the best water vacuums and air purifiers on the market today and look forward to your feedback once you’ve tried one for yourself.
To find out more about all of our natural water vacuums and other cleaning solutions to help you breathe better, check out our website today.